Labor Market
The job market in NS is very promising considering that the increase in the employability index has been positive since June 2021 and in January of this year it increased by 0.6%.
Compared with January 2021, the growth was 10,000 jobs helping to reduce the unemployment rate from 8% to 7% (this is the lowest unemployment rate in the Atlantic provinces).
The finance, insurance and real estate sectors were responsible for the largest increase in job vacancies, with more than 3,200 vacancies in January alone, with the consumer goods sector with 3,400 opportunities. Other growth sectors are: transportation, logistics and technical services positively influenced by the increase in online shopping and remote work.
The provincial capital, Halifax, represents about half of the NS labor market and has seen strong growth in the last year, with over 3,900 new jobs in total. Eight out of ten jobs are created in the capital and the unemployment rate is 5.6%, the lowest rate since July 2019.

Why choose Nova Scotia to live?
Those who live in NS are lucky enough to be surrounded by beautiful beaches, forests, lush logos and a quality of life rarely seen elsewhere in the world. The perfect balance between personal and professional life.
The province is home to over 13,000 km of coastline with 45 national, provincial and public beaches and is among the most affordable places to live in Canada. According to the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA), at the end of last year, the average purchase price for a home in NS was 50% lower than the national average price.
NS universities and their educational programs attract thousands of students from all over the world. Six of the 10 universities are located in Halifax (capital), which is the largest urban area in the Atlantic region of Canada. The oldest university in the province is the University of King's College, founded in 1789, and the newest university is the University of Cape Breton, founded
in 1974.
Several universities in Nova Scotia have strong religious connections. Dalhousie University was founded in Halifax in 1820 with the help of the Presbyterian Church, and Acadia University was founded by Baptists. Catholics formed the University of Santa Maria and the University of San Francisco Xavier.
Home Schooling is legally recognized and must follow government approved programs.